Daily Devotionals

September 14th, 2021

Read Acts 11: 24  “He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a great number of people were brought to the Lord.”  

Today, we get a glimpse of how Luke (author of the book of Acts) describes his friend Barnabas.  He says he is a “good man”, “full of the Holy Spirit and faith”, and that a “great number of people were brought to the Lord”, because of him and his encouragement.   There are three lessons that we can learn about the life of Barnabas.  

  1. Encouragement is one of the most effective ways to help.
  2. Sooner or later, true obedience to God will involve risk.
  3. There is always someone who needs encouragement.  

Take some time today to reflect on the words that Luke shares about his friend as well as these three lessons that we can learn through the life of Barnabas.  Allow the Holy Spirit to stir your heart and lead you today.  Perhaps opportunities to be an encourager will be revealed to you.  Or perhaps you may notice encouragement that others offer to you.  Praise God for these moments!

Sunday 12/29
Join us for our Year End Breakfast!