Living Out the Sharing Your Story
Today’s reading: 1 Peter 3:15-16
We live in a world that is always seeking answers. Social media gives us full access to everyone’s opinions; millions of comprehensive resources are available at our fingertips; and google is now a verb. As we navigate all of this as Christ followers, it’s important to remember God’s instruction in 1 Peter 3. He tells us to give an answer for the hope that we have and to do it with gentleness and respect.
Everyone has a story and the ability to influence others. It can be intimidating to share our life, stories, or even vulnerabilities with others, but we can step forward in faith with the confidence that God will honor our efforts. He wants us to be part of his plan to increase his kingdom. There are billions of people who don’t know Jesus but might experience his life-changing love if we step out and share the stories God has given us.
The most important piece of sharing our story is to do so in a way that expresses love to whoever is listening. God’s greatest command in Scripture is to love him with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength and to love others as ourselves. If we’re honest, scrolling through social media, watching the news, and interacting with negative people can really impact how we see the world. Let us be agents of change to bring more love into others’ lives through sharing God’s goodness through our stories. And remember, we don’t have to do it alone! God will always guide us in what to say and do.
The Holy Spirit is alive and active today. He will not leave or forsake you. He will give you the right words to say at exactly the right time if your heart is soft and your ears are willing to listen to what he has to say. You don’t have to fear sharing the broken parts of your story or worry about how others will perceive you because God promises to honor your obedience in sharing. We never know how he can use our sharing to impact someone’s life. We may not always see the fruit of living this out right away, but we continue to ask God for glimpses of how it has impacted others’ walk with Jesus. We may never know how many people’s eternities were altered by our sharing, but it is worth every effort to keep going. Jesus wants to fill heaven with more of his children, and we have a special opportunity to play a part in that by the stories he has helped us live through and share on the other side.
Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you today as you live out sharing your story. Ask him to whom he wants you to speak and what he wants you to say. Share it all with love and kindness, and watch him work in miraculous ways.
Use the PRAY (Praise, Repent, Ask, Yield) acronym to spend time in prayer.
Pray for opportunities to share your story.