BEing the church is still what God calls us to do today. But what does that look like? One day each week we will hear stories from within our Cross Creek community, of people who are taking intentional steps to BE the church to their community. This week we will hear from Bobby Ellis, and what BEing the church looks like in his life. Bobby serves with YAP – Youth Advocate Programs of Wayne County. He serves by coming alongside young men from different backgrounds helping them navigate achievement gaps, behavioral challenges, managing their feelings,expressing themselves in appropriate ways, all while encouraging and affirming who they are.
Here are a few questions we asked and Bobby’s answers:
Can you tell us what spoke to your heart about serving your greater community in this way? Was it the people you would be serving or maybe the cause itself?
Bobby: I know there are a lot of people in and around our communities who are far from God and feel no one cares, and they feel hopeless. We can make a difference in their lives by being the hands and feet of Jesus, going out in the community and loving on them, just as Jesus did. A gesture as simple as a phone call or a gift card can make an impact on their heart. I love praying for them so they know how much they are loved – even in their darkest times.
Has this experience changed you at all? How so?
Bobby: It has made me appreciate my struggles, that I was able to make it through, and to be more bold about sharing my testimony with others who can identify with similar struggles in life.
Are there any verses that come to mind when you think about serving in general or serving in this way?
Bobby: Hebrews 13:16 NIV
And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.
Are there any other things about your serving experience you would like others to know about serving?
Bobby: As you serve, you will feel a burst of excitement and joy like nothing else can give you. Adrenaline rushes come over you and you know that you have made a difference, whether small or large, in someone’s life. The people that come alongside you while serving also become like family, too, and you expand your view of the kingdom of God’s family even more, which is what we are called to do.