Daily Devotionals

November 24th, 2024

Dorca’s reputation of charity

Read Acts 9:36 NIV
In Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha (in Greek her name is Dorcas); she was always doing good and helping the poor. 

Giving is a grace from God. He empowers us to give, fills us with joy when we do, and then often replenishes our supplies, so we can give more (2 Corinthians 9). This week we will look at some of these biblical examples and see what we can learn from them. 

Our Scripture for today tells us about Dorcas, a woman also known as Tabitha, whose reputation was her good works and acts of mercy. She gave her talent and time, making clothes for the needy.

Tabitha saw a need and did something about it. She used her talents and put them to use helping others. This was a simple act of kindness, showing mercy by providing for those in need.

How can you use your time and talents to help those in need? What talents do you have that could be put to good use by helping others? Perhaps, you are not aware of the talents you have. Maybe you can list more things that you are not good at, as opposed to those where you excel. 

You do not have to be an expert at something to be a part of a team and help someone in need. I know that this fear has held me back. But my desire to serve prevailed. The team at Cross Creek has helped me to discover small ways in which I am able to make a difference. 

There are many different positions available that all work together to make Sunday morning a great experience. Think about worship music and the talents that are shared through musical gifts, technical services, and interaction with those on-line. There are several ways in which you can be a part of a team by giving your time and using your “talents” to help others. What a joy it is to serve! 

Note: this devotional was inspired by National Christian Foundation: 10 examples of generosity in the Bible and how to follow them.  

Sunday 12/29
Join us for our Year End Breakfast!