Daily Devotionals

November 11th, 2024

Read: Psalms 145:13 

Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations. The LORD is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does.

Trust is a tough word. Its meaning can often be confused based on one’s feelings or circumstance. Synonyms of the word include confidence, belief, faith, certainty, and assurance, to name a few. Antonyms of the word include distrust, skepticism, and doubt. 

If I were to take a survey from the over eight billion people in the world today, asking what they think of first when they hear the word trust, I suspect many would say the antonyms of the word. Why is that? Perhaps some have been hurt, abandoned, lied to, or betrayed. If we have experienced this in our life, it is understandable that we would struggle to trust. 

But what do you think about trust when it comes to God? In the book of Proverbs, we are told to “trust in the Lord with all of our heart” (Proverbs 3:5). For some, it may be hard to trust these words. Perhaps like others, the Church also failed you or judged you. It is true, we are all human, we will disappoint, and we will fail others. But there is good news.

You CAN trust God. Evidence of why is found in His Son. While Jesus was on earth, He demonstrated trust in everything He did. He too faced those antonym words. He too was judged by the “Church” (his fellow Jews) and the Pharisees. He was also betrayed by one of His own disciples. His response was compassion, equality, grace, and love. Most of all He trusted His father’s plan when He had to die for our sins. 

So how do we have confidence to know we can trust? Trust in Jesus. He knows how you feel about that word. He lived it. He exemplified it. He promised it.

Sunday 12/29
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