This, then, is how you should pray: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
It is human nature to desire that our lives have purpose. Many of us spend a lot of time trying to figure out just what exactly that purpose is. If we aren’t careful we can spend our whole lives focused on the perfect answer to the question. We can get so focused that we paralyze ourselves, never actually being able to live in that purpose because we are afraid of somehow getting it wrong.
Certainly God has specific things planned for each of us. His Word tells us that He has a plan and it is a good one. Those specific things might not look like the same in any given season of our lives, but many times we get hung up on the fact that this season looks a little different than the last.
The words of Jesus’ prayer are a great reminder of a starting place for us as we talk about our purpose…in any season. In one short sentence we can see God’s two-part purpose. His purpose for the world and His purpose for us as His people.
His purpose for the world is for His kingdom to come. Jesus prayed that God’s kingdom would continue to be further established on earth and that its roots would grow deeper in our lives.
His purpose for us is that His will be done. Each of us has a part in God’s will being done here on earth and it spills out of a desire to see God’s kingdom established in our own lives. It plays out in the way we speak, the way we live our lives and the way we serve those around us who aren’t like us. We are the hands and feet of God’s will being shown to the world around us.
Let’s start with our focus there and ask God to continue to grow our understanding of what that looks like in our individual lives.