“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.”
We recently celebrated Valentine’s Day – the day of love, or so commercialism would have us believe. Valentine’s Day has never been my favorite. The memories of not getting as many valentines as my other classmates or getting a rose from my cousin in high school (which was very nice, but not quite what I was hoping for), brought more hurt and disappointment than feelings of love.
Sometimes, I think, a broken heart is the hardest thing to heal from. Others’ actions, or lack of action, can be hurtful, but their words can hit us in the core of our being. Often those words stay with us for years. We can even find those same words leaving our mouth the way they went into our ears. We may not want to recognize what we are doing, but we are hurting others because we were hurt by another. My guess is we do not intend to respond to others in that way, or do we? If we do, consider this: do we believe we are just like that person? Of course not, right? Well, if not, then why are we punishing others because of the actions of another?
So, how do we break the cycle? We acknowledge we are unable to do anything without God. It is His strength, His love and His forgiveness displayed through His son, Jesus Christ that will repair our broken heart. He will take away the memory and the pain if we let him.
Let’s break the cycle today and allow the pain of the past to stay where it started. Be grateful to the One who made it possible and let His love be what you seek.