Daily Devotionals

March 4th, 2024

Read: 1 Samuel 20:42 Jonathan said, “Go in peace! The two of us have vowed friendship in God’s name, saying, ‘God will be the bond between me and you, and between my children and your children forever!’”

Devotion – David and Jonathan
In the Old Testament we read that before David became king he was being pursued by King Saul of Israel, who had every intention of killing David. Fortunately, David had a good friend, Jonathan – also King Saul’s son – who protected David from being found by Saul. In short, Jonathan saved David’s life. David vowed to show unfailing devotion to Jonathan and his family for as long as they lived. He later demonstrated that by protecting and honoring Jonathan’s son Mephibosheth after Jonathan’s death.

Saul wanted David dead, and, in those days, if anyone knowingly got in his way to prevent that, he would likely have them killed. Even his own son. Imagine the sacrifice Jonathan made to protect David. What would it take to have a friendship that is so strong you would lay down your life for them? Right about now you may be thinking that you’re not sure you would jump in front of a bus to save your friend. That’s not quite where I’m going. 

Being devoted to friendship involves giving up what we may want to do and instead giving that time to each other. Being intentionally selfless. How would our friendships look if we put each other’s needs ahead of our own?  As Jesus told his friends, his disciples, there is no greater love than this.

To learn more about the friendship of David and Jonathan read 1 Samuel 19-20