Daily Devotionals

March 19th, 2023

Read Psalm 139:13-18 TPT

You formed my innermost being, shaping my delicate inside

and my intricate outside,

and wove them all together in my mother’s womb. 

I thank you, God, for making me so mysteriously complex!

Everything you do is marvelously breathtaking.

It simply amazes me to think about it!

How thoroughly you know me, Lord!

You even formed every bone in my body

when you created me in the secret place; 

carefully, skillfully you shaped me  from nothing to something.

You saw who you created me to be before I became me! 

Before I’d ever seen the light of day,

the number of days you planned for me

were already recorded in your book. 

Every single moment you are thinking of me!

How precious and wonderful to consider

that you cherish me constantly in your every thought!

O God, your desires toward me are more

than the grains of sand on every shore!

When I awake each morning, you’re still with me.

I am a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, a friend, a mentor, a reader, an introvert, a gardener…and the list could go on and on with descriptors that tell a little bit about who I am. Those descriptors have changed for me over the years. I have been a swimmer and a singer, but I haven’t always been a mother and a wife as I am now. There are times in my life that I have been uncertain and struggled to really know who I am and words to describe who I am are hard to come by. Maybe you have been there, too. My suspicion is that all of us at some point have wrestled with who we really are and question if the descriptors we give ourselves or the ones others give to us really match who we are inside. 

But what if who we are has less to do with the descriptors we give ourselves and more to do with who the God is who created us? What if our true identity is really found in who He is? Well, that just might change everything about the way we see ourselves and the way we see the world around us.

God, this week I ask that you would open my eyes that I might see and really know more about who you are so that I can come to a greater understanding of who you have created me to be in Jesus. Amen.

Sunday 12/29
Join us for our Year End Breakfast!