Daily Devotionals

March 13th, 2023

Read Psalm 46:1 AMP

God is our refuge and strength [mighty and impenetrable],

A very present and well-proven help in trouble.

The neighborhood I spent most of childhood in was filled with kids! Regular games of backyard kickball and baseball, Marco Polo, and evening games of flashlight tag make up most of my earliest memories. Being the youngest and the smallest of the bunch was  hard and I often got out first. On some occasions, though, one of the bigger kids would take me by the hand, helping me to find the perfect spot to hide or helping me to run the bases by literally picking me up in their arms. I even remember times they let me hold on while they swam away to avoid being tagged while playing Marco Polo. In some of the moments it mattered the most, those bigger kids in the neighborhood came to my rescue and gave me a small taste of victory.  But kids are fickle! And there were plenty of times when I was on my own and the easiest target around. Their protection and help was nice when I got it, but I could never really be sure of it. 

Thankfully, God is not like that. He doesn’t pick and choose the times He is willing to provide for us or protect us, and His track record is impeccable. We only need to seek His help in order to receive it and we can be certain He will come through. Victory is always ours when we put our trust in God and rely on Him for strength, protection and provision.

Sunday 12/29
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