Daily Devotionals

March 12th, 2021

Daily Devotional

Read 1 Corinthians 14:20 NIrV

Brothers and sisters, stop thinking like children. Be like babies as far as evil is concerned. But be grown up in your thinking.

Read Ephesians 4:14-15 NIrV

We will no longer be babies in the faith. We won’t be like ships tossed around by the waves. We won’t be blown here and there by every new teaching. We won’t be blown around by cleverness and tricks. Certain people use them to hide their evil plans. Instead, we will speak the truth in love. So we will grow up in every way to become the body of Christ. Christ is the head of the body. 

A few weeks ago I sat side by side on the stairs of our home with my arm around a nearly grown child, now too large to sit in my lap. I remember sitting in nearly the same place years ago, kissing boo boos and trying to reason our way through temper tantrums. But this time we talked about real, grown up life stuff.  Although I sometimes miss those simpler days when a spiderman Band-Aid fixed the problem, I am grateful for how our relationship has grown and matured over the years. We are able to share life on a deeper level – speaking into each other’s lives and helping each other to grow in ways we couldn’t before. 

God wants the same thing to happen in our relationship with Him. He longs to speak into our lives in new ways, stretching our faith and growing our dependence on Him. But sometimes we are a bit resistant. Growth in a relationship is hard and it takes two committed people to make it happen. God is willing and waiting. How about you? Are you ready to take your relationship a little deeper with Him? To allow Him to dig in and show you who He has created you to be in this season of your life?

Sunday 12/29
Join us for our Year End Breakfast!