Daily Devotionals

March 11th, 2024

Read Acts 17:24-27 NLT

“He is the God who made the world and everything in it. Since he is Lord of heaven and earth, he doesn’t live in man-made temples, and human hands can’t serve his needs—for he has no needs. He himself gives life and breath to everything, and he satisfies every need. From one man he created all the nations throughout the whole earth. He decided beforehand when they should rise and fall, and he determined their boundaries.

His purpose was for the nations to seek after God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him—though he is not far from any one of us. 

Today’s verses are both amazing and humbling at the same time.  The God of creation – the one who created all things and all people, who sets order to the world and everything that has happened and will happen in order – did that all of that so that we, as part of His creation, might see Him in it and find our way through the darkness and our sin back to Him.  It is all for us!  All because of His great love for us! Wow! 

My prayer for you today is that you would have a renewed sense of awe and wonder at the length and depth of God’s love for you.  I pray that in response to His love you would be filled with an urgency to continue to seek Him and His will for your life.