Daily Devotionals

June 4th, 2021

We continue with our devotional series  “A Few of Our Favorite Things” where you’ll hear from some of our pastors and volunteers as they share how God’s Word has impacted them.

Read Psalm 139:1 NLT

O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me.

This is one of my favorite verses because I take comfort in the knowledge that God knows who I am…even when I don’t. It gives me reassurance when I need to know that someone sees me for who I am meant to be AND still loves me even when I don’t like myself.. God teaches me. He understands me. He guides me. All I have to do is check in with Him, and acceptance and guidance and correction and love are right there. 

Jackie Main

KidZone Kindergarten Small Group Leader

Sunday 12/29
Join us for our Year End Breakfast!