Daily Devotionals

June 24th, 2022

Read: Matthew 6:34 MSG 

Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.

Have you ever been around a group of little ones who are playing? It is inevitable that one of those kiddos is going to want a toy that another is playing with. We are likely to respond by saying, “Johnny, you have been playing with that toy for a while. Why don’t you share it with Susie?” Begrudgingly Johnny gives the toy to Susie and as soon as our back turns, he takes the toy back. And then of course mass fighting, crying, and hysteria erupts!

I can be like Johnny when it comes to my struggles. I can’t tell you the number of times in my life I have worried about something, given it to God, worried some more, given it to God, and still kept on worrying. Next thing you know, mass hysteria is erupting in my mind to the point of tears. Maybe you also are like that and struggle to let go of control, no matter how much you want to. 

My guess is that in some ways we believe living a Christian life shouldn’t be so hard. Or our problems will go away after we pray. Perhaps we need self reminders of just how big our God is and how little our problems are in His eyes. In reality, the more we hang on to the struggle, the more we begin to “worship” the problem instead of the very One who can free us from it. 

So what do we do? We acknowledge God IS bigger than our problems. He IS able to deal with them in HIS time. We recognize our struggles ARE producing endurance and growing our faith. We REMEMBER He gave us the Holy Spirit who is in us every second of the day guiding and comforting us. We CAN get through the battle. So the next time we turn to God in prayer, let’s not be like little Johnny. Give everything to the One who wants our troubles and don’t take them back.

Sunday 12/29
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