Read 1 Corinthians 13:4b-5 NLT
Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.
“It is not irritable”
There is a small sign that has hung in my house for the last 20ish years with James 1:19 painted on it. It says, “Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” These are not always easy words to live by…but oh so needed in the day to day life of my family over the years. The sign was in our kitchen for much of those 20 years and currently resides in our entranceway and is one of the first things I see as I come home each day. It is a great reminder as I settle in with my family each night, because I have learned that in the course of a day – the world comes at you pretty fast and hard. By the end of the day, on many days, my patience has been tested, I am hungry, and I am tired. Not a good recipe for a peaceful home…especially when everyone else is probably feeling just about the same way! If I am not careful my tendency may be to shoot first with my words and then resolve to pick up the pieces in the aftermath. Not a great strategy.
But James’ strategy is a good one. It’s good for my family – and every other part of my life! Slowing myself down, choosing to listen first instead of just reacting, actually keeps me from getting irritated and angry easily. It helps me to really see and understand the people I say that I love instead of putting myself on the defensive against them. When I am not irritated and angry, it frees me up to be able to show love to the people around me in ways they can receive and in ways they need it.