During Christ’s days on earth he pleaded with God, praying with passion and with tearful agony that God would spare him from death. And because of his perfect devotion his prayer was answered and he was delivered. But even though he was a wonderful Son, he learned to listen and obey through all his sufferings.
Are you like me when you experience problems? You struggle through the process thinking it is the worst time in your life, but eventually you arrive on the other side, looking forward to what the future has in store for you next. Then time passes and soon you find yourself in another trial, thinking it is the worst time in your life. I relate those times to childbirth – once the baby is born, the painful experience is forgotten. We breathe a sigh of relief, and look forward to a life with this new little cutie.
It seems silly that we forget we can make it to the other side of hard times in life. But much like childbirth, the next painful experience can be similar to the last, and can hurt just as badly. Fortunately there is respite in our trials. When you have experienced a problem and you find another person who has gone through the same trial, you feel a sense of comfort. It helps ease the pain knowing you have someone who understands. Sometimes, however, there is no other person or the problem is too hard to say out loud.
When the journey seems long and lonely, Jesus is the solution, the person we can run to. He knows very well the hurt and pain we feel. Prior to His crucifixion He was in so much agony His sweat was like drops of blood. He felt abandoned. Jesus already knows what you are facing, He understands your pain, and He loves you! As hard as it may seem, let’s not let our problems define our time here on earth. Let Him guide us through the trials. On the other side, we will find our faith and His strength will carry us through the next trial, lessening the pain each time.