Ask, and the gift is yours. Seek, and you’ll discover. Knock, and the door will be opened for you. For every persistent one will get what he asks for. Every persistent seeker will discover what he longs for. And everyone who knocks persistently will one day find an open door.
Many years ago, my grandmother gave me a wooden wall hanging with a picture of Jesus knocking at a door. It is a common image that has been sold in various forms for years. But mine was special – it was from my grandma. Every time I moved, that picture came with me and was appropriately placed next to the door entering my home.
Two years ago we sold our house. The last day in our home we collected any remaining items and walked out the door not noticing my grandma’s picture was still hanging on the wall behind the door. It was only many weeks later, and after the new owners had moved into the house, that I realized we had forgotten it. I was heartbroken but found comfort that maybe the picture would become special to the new owners.
As I write this today, I look at that picture a little differently than I had when I wasn’t the follower of Jesus that I am today. That image showing Jesus knocking at the door tells the story of Him waiting for us to accept Him as our Savior. He patiently knocks waiting for us to open the door and accept Him into our hearts with open arms.
But here’s where my mind took me today when I thought about that image. Once we answer the door and accept Jesus into our hearts, does this image become irrelevant? I do not think so. Is it plausible to think that this door stays in our line of sight through our faith journey?
As Jesus says in today’s Scripture, we are told to ask Him for what we need. “Ask, and the gift is yours. Seek, and you’ll discover. Knock, and the door will be opened for you.” Just as Jesus initially stands at the door and knocks, when we accept Him we are to knock on Jesus’s door.
When we come to God seeking answers to our prayers, do we knock expecting the door will be open? Do we hesitate without knocking, questioning if God will even answer our prayers? Or do we tap lightly thinking God can’t be bothered with our prayers. Perhaps the door isn’t even in the picture because we keep thinking we know the answers to our own prayer.
In the Scripture, Jesus goes on to say, “For every persistent one will get what he asks for. Every persistent seeker will discover what he longs for. And everyone who knocks persistently will one day find an open door,” Jesus isn’t casually saying, let me know what you want, and I will think about answering. He tells us three times to knock, expecting Him to open the door with answers to our prayers.
Now I feel compelled to add that His answers are His will for our life and those answers may not be in the time we want them. Keep in mind, how long did Jesus knock before we answered? The difference is He knew we would answer before He even knocked – He just wanted us to believe He would be on the other side waiting.
As we enter into the new year, let’s commit to praying bold prayers with no hesitation or tapping. Knock with confidence knowing our God has given us the gift of asking for anything. Answers are just through that door.