Daily Devotionals

February 4th, 2021

Daily Devotional

February 4, 2021

Read James 1:12 NLT

God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. 

When I first read this verse, my initial thought was that I don’t really like the idea of enduring  anything…let alone testing and temptation. That seems like it would be a hard pass for me for sure. But then I looked up what the word endure means. There are two parts to the definition. The first part says that to endure is to suffer something painful or difficult patiently. But the second part simply states: to remain in existence; to last. That second part brought new meaning for me. It shifted my focus. I can choose to focus on the adversity and the devastation and heartache that comes with it – or I can choose to focus on the ability to stand through that adversity – to last – knowing that on the other side there is blessing.

You see, everything that happens to us gives God the opportunity to do something in us. God will use difficult things that we go through to teach us, test us and help us grow closer to Him. Ask God to help you embrace the trials and to see what He is teaching you through them. Pray that the testing of your faith brings about a perseverance that leads to maturity and becomes a foundation for ministry to others who will walk through similar struggles.


God often uses our deepest hurts to minister to others. Have you seen that in your own life? What impact did it have on you or someone else?

How can praying about your current circumstances help you to see the blessing in enduring?

Sunday 12/29
Join us for our Year End Breakfast!