Daily Devotionals

February 26th, 2021

Daily Devotional

February 26, 2021

Read:  Matthew 18:20
“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am with them.” 

Our world is struggling with gathering right now.  Gathering has become such a controversial topic and limitations have been placed upon us in respect to gathering with others.  Many have struggled with feelings of isolation this past year.  As I reflect, I am encouraged to see the creative ways that people have used to seek out the company of others.  I am encouraged to see how this desire for gathering has been ignited as people long for connection.  That is the way God has wired us.  He has designed us to be connected, get connected, share connections and model connection.  Obviously, our ways of gathering have changed over this past year, but the desire to gather in creative and unique ways has been shining through and provided connections that are new, deep, and meaningful for many, whether on Zoom or in very small meetings that allow for increased vulnerability and authenticity.  The desire for daily prayer groups have sprung up and blossomed, allowing hundreds of CrossCreekers to connect regularly in prayer with other believers online.  This desire to gather is strong and wired deep within us.  It is in these gatherings with other believers that we can feel the presence of God in powerful ways.  When we gather with others intentionally to meet up with God, it is incredible to see how He shows up.  Are you in a community of believers?  Do you meet regularly? Do you long to meet God while you gather with other believers?   Would you like to be connected to one of the many prayer group options?  If so, please go to  crosscreek.church    click on Menu – Groups – Find a Group and check out the prayer groups page.  There is room to gather in these virtual prayer groups.  We would love to meet you there!  

Dear Lord,
Thank You for placing the desire to gather with other believers within my heart.  I know that You love to see Your people gathering in Your name.  Thank You for the community of believers You have blessed me with, may I cherish this time of gathering and seek to know You more and more.  Lord, help me to reach out and get connected to a community of believers if I don’t have one.  I long to gather in Your name!  Thank You, Jesus!  Amen! 

Sunday 12/29
Join us for our Year End Breakfast!