Daily Devotionals

February 18th, 2024

“Marriage is glorious but hard. It’s a burning joy and strength.”
(The Meaning of Marriage – Dr. Tim Keller)

This weeks’ devotional theme is “Fight for Your Marriage”, taken from the writing of James River Church’s Don Keene.  

Whether you’re newly married or 32+ year veterans like Becky and I, you will find principles in this series that remind you of both the opportunities and blessings of marriage.

When I say “opportunities” I’m looking inward: what is God saying to me about the husband I am?  How could I be a better partner to my wife?  What is God teaching me about my walk with Him in my marriage?

When I say “blessings” I am thinking about God’s unfolding plan for our lives: both the joy and the learning from life’s challenges.  Our children, family and friends that we’ve done life with.  This wonderful person, my wife, who knows me more deeply than any other living would but Jesus.

I pray that you will find, both, the opportunities and blessings as you prayerfully consider this week’s devotional and agree that your marriage is worth fighting for.


Two Key Principles to Start With:

#1: Recognize that Spouses Complement Each Other

Then the LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.” Genesis 2:18 (NIV)

People often think of having the right marriage partner in terms of compatibility. The goal is to exist in nearly perfect harmony. The Genesis account in the Bible suggests that a good match is more about being a suitable helper, a person who is not just like you but is complementary to you. The closeness of marriage allows the spouse (your helper) to see into your life like no one else.

When marriage conflicts arise, it’s common to interpret the discomfort as a sign that you have the wrong spouse or that your perspective is the only right one. Take a few moments to consider that your present disagreement may be a growth opportunity for both of you.

#2: Remind Yourself that It’s Not Just about You

“Submit to One Another out of Reverence for Christ.” Ephesians 5:21

Often in conflict, we are more concerned about our rights than we are about our spouse or doing what is best for our marriage. The example of Jesus is helpful here because even though He didn’t have to, He put our needs first and was willing to sacrifice heavily to serve us. We show reverence for Jesus when we serve our spouse as He has served us. This perspective can help us navigate toward the best possible outcome as we fight for our marriage.

Pray: “Lord Jesus, thank you for bringing us together.  Thank you for my (wife’s/ husband’s) gifts and talents.  Help me to continuously see your presence in our lives, both, as a couple and as individuals, and teach me to put you first in the things that I say and do.  Thank you for your son Jesus, and his presence in our marriage. In His name, Amen.”

Sunday 12/29
Join us for our Year End Breakfast!