Daily Devotionals

February 15th, 2024

Read Romans 8:31 NIV

”What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?“

‭‭My children have always teased me that I am afraid of everything. They aren’t completely wrong. I have a healthy fear of go carts and ordering pizza over the phone …sparklers on the 4th of July also make me pretty nervous. Those fears are pretty benign, but there have been many over the years which have kept me from being who God had called me to be. I have often struggled with the fear of not being enough – of disappointing those I care about the most. There have been times when I feared that I am too much – too overbearing, too uncaring, too prideful and unable to see myself for what I am.  At times those fears have trapped me and fought against me. 

The truth is, sometimes I am not enough…and sometimes I am too much. But, the more I seek to grow in my relationship with God, the more I am learning to allow Him to speak truth over me and my fears. His truth about who I am is wrapped up and entwined in the length and the depth of His love for me. My fears don’t need to keep me captive because as flawed as I am – Christ is FOR me. Those fears have no power to win because His love is enough and too much! It sweeps me up and holds me close in the space between my sinful nature and who He sees me as: His own, His child, the one He loves.

Sunday 12/29
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