For a few days this week we are going to try the practice of Lectio Divina. This is a meditative method of reading and praying through Scripture in the Bible that allows us to open ourselves up to what God might want to say to us through His Word.
- (read) Read through the Psalm slowly three times
- (meditate) Think about the phrase, verse(s), or words that stand out to you. What about it stands out to you? What does it mean? What does it say about God?
- (pray) Pray through your verse or phrase. Ask God to show you what He is saying to you through this verse. You can take your verse and turn it into a prayer. For example, if you choose verse 5, you could pray, “Thank you Lord for being my place of safety. Help me continue to seek to find my provision and security in you.
- (contemplate)Now that you have read, thought, and prayed through the scripture, finish off your time in silence. Ask God to speak to you. Pray he would show you one practical thing you could apply to your life from this passage. Then listen. Write down anything you think God might be showing you and then go do it.