”For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.”
What a joy it is to know that we do not go into this life alone. The world would have us believe that we are on our own. We get what we earn. We succeed where we work hard. It is up to us. Victory is of our own making. And while there is some truth in the ideals of working hard to achieve success, that’s not all there is!
This promise tucked in the pages of God’s Word speaks of more. It offers life abundantly, full of mercy, of grace, and God’s extravagant and fierce love for us. Such beauty and hope in only a few words.
This life we live is laid out before us. There will be struggles. We will have to “do battle” but we don’t go into the fray alone or unprotected. The Lord our God goes before us and has already secured the victory. We need only to surrender our hearts to Him and stand firm in the assurance of His salvation.