Daily Devotionals

December 14th, 2021

Read John 20:21Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”

Immanuel. God with us. We hear this name for Jesus leading up to Christmas, when we celebrate the birth of the Christ Child. He is fully God but also fully man. Instead of the Holy of Holies, God walked about and prayed and ate with His people. He was killed on a cross and resurrected. He ascended to heaven. Then what? Why didn’t God the man remain on earth and continue his mission? Doesn’t Immanuel mean God with us? 

After Jesus tells the disciples that he is sending them, he breathes on them and says “receive the Holy Spirit.” God is still with us. We are continuing Jesus’ mission as an extension of God. God with us becomes us with God. Where we go we bring God, too. Our calling is the same as Jesus’ calling: to build the Kingdom of God, to love one another, to invite all of creation to The Table. 

Listen –  Rejoice 

Sunday 12/29
Join us for our Year End Breakfast!