Daily Devotionals

August 26th, 2023

Everyone needs a Barnabas in their life! In Barnabas, we see an excellent example of a Christian, someone purposefully living for Christ.

Barnabas was an advocate for Saul, serving as a liaison between Saul and the disciples fostering acceptance and inclusion.

He lived up to his name being an encouragement to Saul. Barnabas believed in Saul when no one else trusted him. He provided opportunities. He prepared Saul who later became Paul for ministry.

He was generous in selling his land and giving the proceeds to the apostles to help support the church.

We can be like Barnabas, by choosing to be a source of encouragement, advocating when necessary and giving generously to others while leading each one to Christ through the love and support that comes from Our Heavenly Father.

Thank You Lord, for being our source of encouragement, providing for us and desiring us. We long to be used for Your assigned purpose. We look forward to all the places you will take us in this journey called life. In Jesus Name, Amen

Sunday 12/29
Join us for our Year End Breakfast!