Daily Devotionals

August 11th, 2022

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” Matthew 5:9, NIV

When I was in Bible college, there was a Christian Education professor called Ruth Rodriguez.  We called her Sister Ruth.  She had been a missionary for many years in Africa before returning to the States to teach in college.

Sister Ruth was the queen of cool memory devices and tricks to get kids thinking about what they were being taught.  She’d say things like “Remember: history is HIS story” and that the beatitudes were worth memorizing because “they should be your attitudes.”  I always think of her when I read Matthew 5.

Jesus says in Matthew 5:9 that those who make peace will be called children of God. 

Jesus himself was a peacemaker; not only in situations like when he saved the woman in adultery or when he healed the centurion in the garden, but in the greater sense that for those who accept him, through his suffering, death and resurrection, had reconciled all of humanity present and future to God.

Today, take some time and think about where you might be able to be a peacemaker in the world around you.  Where can you be involved in reconciliation or setting things right, or bringing people together through the Spirit’s leading without any self-interest or agenda?

As disciples we are all called to make peace on this earthly world toward heavenly reconciliation with God.  Tomorrow, we’ll talk about James 3:18 and why it should “be our attitude” to be peacemakers in light of heavenly wisdom.


Dear God, open my eyes to the conflict around me and where I might play a role in making peace, even just a little.  Holy Spirit, guide my thoughts, words and actions to see others as You do.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Sunday 12/29
Join us for our Year End Breakfast!