Daily Devotionals

April 16th, 2022

This week we will be focusing on the Stations of the Cross, the series of events on Jesus’ last day leading up to His crucifixion. Depictions of these events can often be found in the form of paintings or carvings in churches or cathedrals. Of the twelve stations known, we will focus on the eight mentioned in the Bible, focusing on the meaning of the cross. 

Read: John 19: 26-27 

So when Jesus looked down and saw the disciple he loved standing with her, he said, “Mother, look—John will be a son to you.” Then he said, “John, look—she will be a mother to you!” From that day on, John accepted Mary into his home as one of his own family.  


Luke 23:44-46 It was now only midday, yet the whole world became dark for three hours as the light of the sun faded away. And suddenly in the temple the thick veil hanging in the Holy Place was ripped in two! Then Jesus cried out with a loud voice, “Father, I surrender my Spirit into your hands.”  And he took his last breath and died.

Jesus cares for His mother. Jesus dies on the cross.

As we wrap up the events leading to the crucifixion, also known as the final stations of the cross, we see the abiding love Jesus had for His earthly mother and His Father in Heaven. We begin with his mother Mary, who accepted God’s calling to bear the Son of God, and who was now grieving the impending death of her son. Her act of faith was a key role in bringing forward the will of God. Jesus’ love for her went beyond her role as His mother, loving her greatly for her faithful service to God. Hanging on the cross, near death, one of His last acts ensured Mary would be taken care of. Who is best to be given that honor? John, the only disciple who did not desert Jesus at the cross. 

As Jesus came to the point when everything prophesied had been fulfilled, Jesus cried out “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” This was not a question of the will of God but rather an expression of His deep spiritual agony. At this moment, Jesus was temporarily separated from His Heavenly Father. Why? He had taken upon Himself the sins of the world, and God the Father could not look at the sin. The physical pain could not compare. 

Once again, let’s envision the physical torture Jesus endured leading to the cross, the love for His mother in His last moments, and then His separation from His Heavenly Father. Now envision our sin, and the hope we have to join Jesus one day in Heaven. He gave us that. He suffered in unspeakable ways for us. He took on our sins before we were even born so we could be forgiven. We do not deserve a love like this but yet it is ours. All we have to do is accept Him.

Ref: Mark 15:35