Daily Devotionals

October 7th, 2022

Deliverance from Strongholds

Today’s Reading:James 5:16

Yesterday, we discussed that when temptation takes root in our life, it can grow out of control like a weed in a garden. Temptations that are not fought off often grow into what we call strongholds. 

Throughout the Bible we see the word ‘stronghold’ appear more than 50 times! Often it is referred to as a fortress that is difficult to access. In 2 Samuel we read about David approaching the city of Jerusalem. It is referred to as a fortress inhabited by enemies. What we are talking about today are spiritual strongholds that we find in our life; fortresses within us that are inhabited by the enemy. Strongholds are often birthed out of temptations; however, sometimes we have experienced trauma that has had lasting effects. Unfortunately, all of us have experienced strongholds in one form or another, but the wonderful news that we have been learning about is that we are not powerless to the enemy’s schemes. The enemy may have a fortified stronghold within you, but through Christ you have the power to demolish even the most robust strongholds. 

Take a look at this chart. As you honestly think about the list, circle or write down the strongholds you feel have become an unhealthy pattern in your life or areas that you know Satan has a foothold in. Then take a look at what freedom can look like for you!





Examples: resentment, hate, unforgiveness, anger, violence, revenge

Lie: I have power and protection when I don’t forgive others.


2 Corinthians 5:17-19


Examples: manipulation, lack of trust, worry, seeking recognition

Lie: I can control my own life.


Matthew 16:24-25


Examples:selfishness, greed, apathy, pride, stubbornness, vanity, materialism

Lie: If I just had a little more, I would be content. 


Matthew 6:25-26


Examples: hopelessness, self-pity, isolation, addictions, self-harm

Lie: Even God has abandoned me.


Psalm 34:17-18


Examples: spitefulness, gossip/slander, betrayal, critical/judgmental spirit

Lie: I am entitled to all that I have.


1 Chronicles 16:34

Matthew 7:9-11

Sexual Immorality

Examples: lust, seductiveness, fornication, adultery, pornography

Lie: I am free to satisfy all of my desires.


Galatians 5:13-16, 19-21

Matthew 7:9-11

False Teaching & Religions

Examples: occult, Ouija board, invoking evil or dead spirits, fortune-telling, astrology, cults

Lie: What I believe to be true is more trustworthy than God.

God’s Word

John 1:1-5

John 14:6-7


Examples: inferiority, inadequacy, timidity, withdrawal, pleasing people/not God, lack of trust/worry, wrong relationships

Lie: I am less than everyone around me.

Security in Christ

Ephesians 2:10

Romans 8:38-39


Examples: seeking acceptance, feeling unworthy, withdrawal, addictions, compulsions

Lie: I am unlovable


Psalm 139:14

John 3:16


Examples: lying, delusions, rationalizing, wrong doctrine, misuse of Scripture


John 8:32

Psalm 23:1


Examples: phobias, compulsions, perfectionism, fear of failure

Lie: Being afraid keeps me from harm.

Trust in God’s Sovereignty

2 Chronicles 20:6

Matthew 10:29-31


Examples: controlling, boasting, belittling, taking credit, selfishness, vanity

Lie: I am where I am because of all that I have done.


Matthew 16:24


We are all imperfect humans! We are going to fall into temptations and develop strongholds, but we are loved by a gracious God! He is in the business of transforming our hearts and minds if we are willing to surrender to Him. God takes what the enemy meant for evil and changes the narrative. The first step to experiencing freedom is confession and repentance. We must admit that there is a stronghold in our life. In many cases, this takes a lot of humility and transparency because of the choices that have been made to allow it to take root in our life. In the cases of trauma, this process may include talking about and sharing the experiences that have triggered strongholds in your life with a trusted person. Either way, by acknowledging the deep-rooted stronghold, the healing can begin.

One caution: our strongholds don’t disappear into thin air the moment we acknowledge them. Experiencing freedom from strongholds is a process that we have to live out. We will talk more about that tomorrow. 

Use the PRAY (Praise, Repent, Ask, Yield) acronym to spend time in prayer.

What stronghold do you see pop up in your life most often?

What step can you take today in order to begin uprooting strongholds?

Sunday 12/29
Join us for our Year End Breakfast!