Daily Devotionals

September 12th, 2022

Read Jeremiah 29:13-14

“‘You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,’ declares the Lord, ‘and will bring you back from captivity.’”

Have you ever lost something that meant a lot to you?  If you have, you probably spent a great deal of time searching for it.  If the item you lost didn’t hold much value to you, you might not have expended the same kind of energy to find it.  But because it was something significant, maybe you swept the floor and checked under couches and beds.  You may have even retraced your steps in hope of finding whatever it was that you lost.  You left no stone unturned in order to find it.  When something is important to us, it is amazing how much focus, energy, and time we are willing to devote to it!

I think that this is the kind of “seeking” of God that Jeremiah was talking about in today’s verse.  It is a desperate, intense kind of seeking.  God tells us that if we really seek Him with all of our hearts we will find Him.  It is more than seeking to know about God…that is all head knowledge.  Knowing God with your head is not the same as knowing Him with your heart.  Spend time today seeking Him with your heart.  Get desperate to know Him.  Let Him set you free to live in His presence.

Sunday 12/29
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