“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself, intercedes for us through wordless groans.”
Are you in a prayer group? Do you meet regularly with others to pray? Several months ago I joined a prayer group that meets daily. We come together every morning over Zoom at 6:30 am to begin our day praying for and with each other. I will be honest, I was a little nervous that I wouldn’t be able to consistently be present every morning at such an early hour. I mean, I am a morning person, but to be ready to connect and pray at such an early hour seemed a bit much. Now, I can’t imagine beginning my day without it. I look forward to this time together as we dive into God’s word and pray together. Just this past week, I brought a prayer request to my prayer group. My heart had been broken as someone very close to our family has received a diagnosis that is devastating. He has battled this disease before and it has returned with a ruthless invasion of his body. His prognosis is poor and his life expectancy has now been given a number that has left us all broken. I shared with my group that I was struggling with how to pray and what to pray. I simply couldn’t form words. And one of my prayer partners shared this verse in Romans with me. She reminded me that when we don’t know what to pray, the Holy Spirit will intercede for us and He hears our groans and cries. This wise counsel and scripture reference shared in my prayer group this week was incredibly comforting to my grieved heart. Are you in a prayer group? Would you like to be? New prayer groups are starting soon. Pray today for the Holy Spirit to bring you clarity and direction as you look to deepen your prayer life with a prayer group.