Daily Devotionals

May 16th, 2021

God’s Word speaks to each of us in different ways. Through particular verses God provides the impetus to change our direction in life for the long term, and sometimes God gives us just the right verses to impact specific seasons in our lives. Over the next few weeks, we thought we would share with you a few of our favorite verses. In a devotional series we’re calling A Few of Our Favorite Things, you’ll hear from some of our pastors and volunteers as they share how God’s Word has impacted them.

Read Romans 8:28 NIV

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose

At times life will throw you curveballs that may make you feel like they set you back in your pursuits. So many unexpected things happen in life, but we can take heart and know that they serve a purpose.

This last year I left a job that provided for the needs of my family. On the outside, it probably didn’t make a lot of sense to people around us. It was confusing and frustrating to us, too, but we felt God calling us to step away from it. It hasn’t always been easy but God has used it to grow and shape us and to push us out of our comfort zone. We are learning to trust in His provision and the love He has for us as He leads us into the life He is calling us to live. He has a good plan for us. In the moment all we sometimes see is just one piece of life’s puzzle. But God sees the whole picture. He’s not done writing our story… or yours. Trust God and He will light your path. 

Tim Young

Ignite Leader/Worship Team/Ministerial Candidate

Sunday 12/29
Join us for our Year End Breakfast!