This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!
25 years ago my husband and I built our first home. This year we embarked on a renovation journey in our kitchen. Plans have been made – walls removed, cabinets configured, paint colors picked out, flooring investigated, and appliances purchased and waiting in the garage. Our hope is to breathe new life into our home, making space for our ever expanding family and new adventures together. I can’t wait for all the cookies that will be baked, meals that will be shared, and arts and crafts that will commence at “Mimi’s” counter. To say I am excited for the facelift is an understatement!
What Jesus promises us is more than just a facelift. What He promises is a completely new life! Forget about the kitchen…we are talking a whole new house! I think sometimes in our lives we are content with quick fixes that appear to give us a perceived freedom or newness – at least for a while. We think that new job, or that new workout plan, or that new relationship is the ticket to making life better. But all too often we realize they are short lived and offer only temporary reprieve. It’s similar to my new kitchen…it will only be new for a while. Because we all know that appliances wear out, cabinets get dinged, and floors get dirty. But the new life we are promised in Christ when we choose to follow Him changes everything. It never needs replacing, His mercies and His love are new everyday. We start fresh, not confined or held captive by past choices and sins. Made new and free to experience a good life through Jesus!