If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.
Last week I lost my work keys. I checked the pockets on all my jeans, my sweatshirts, my work bag, my purse, my car, my desk, even a supply room. But no keys were to be found. I looked for 5 days and finally found them in the pocket of my rain jacket…a coat I hadn’t remembered wearing that week. We probably all know what it is like to look for something that we have misplaced, feeling like whatever it may be, it is just out of reach.
But, what does it mean to look for God wholeheartedly? Scripture tells us that He isn’t far from us (Acts 17:27). He isn’t playing some elaborate game of hide and seek with us – so what does it look like to look for God? I wonder if the idea of being misplaced might apply to looking for God, in that we sometimes put our schedules in ahead of God. Sometimes we put our families ahead of God, or our careers, or wealth, or other relationships. God’s rightful, first-place position in our hearts and our lives, gets misplaced. Maybe looking for God wholeheartedly is about recognizing the disorder and opening our hearts up to Him to put things back in the right order. Looking for Him is about intentionally seeking His guidance, leaning into His love, and allowing Him to lead.