Read Nehemiah 6:15-16 NIV So the wall was completed on the twenty-fifth of Elul (mid-September), in fifty-two days. When all our enemies heard about this, all the surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence, because they realized that this work had been done with the help of our God.
In Nehemiah Chapter 3, we are given an idea of how the work of rebuilding the wall was organized and distributed. Names are given of those who took charge of different sections and what those sections were. Everyone had a part to play and everyone did their part. Today we learn of the results of their hard work and determination. In spite of the outward opposition and inward struggles, these Jewish returnees put up that wall in fifty-two days! Less than two months! The month of Elul in the Hebrew calendar corresponds with August-September on our calendar. This means they began building in late July and finished in mid-September. That’s simply amazing and as Nehemiah attests, it has God’s fingerprints all over it.
There was now resolution to the problem of Jerusalem lacking a protective wall, as well as resolution to the opposition from the surrounding enemies. There was once again a city to identify with the people of God and to be the center of His worship. It’s inspiring to see Nehemiah give God the glory for the accomplishment. He could’ve been all puffed up about what they had done – fifty-two days after all – but he was rightfully humbled by that fact. He knew it took the hand of God upon them for their work to be so successful.
This is a point in Nehemiah’s narrative where he is obviously a dark horse like we’ve been discussing. Less than a year prior to this moment, he had merely been a secular official in a foreign government. He wasn’t a builder, a religious leader, a prime minister, or any other skilled type of person. He was just a Jewish captive in personal service to the king of Persia. Yet he followed God’s calling on his heart. He used the connections he had, the determination he felt, and his passion for God and God’s people to initiate the physical restoration of Jerusalem. And against all odds, he succeeded in an awesome way.
Pray: Amazing God, I desire to be like Nehemiah. I am one person hoping to make a difference in whatever way You choose to use me. Give me the confidence and guidance to stand tall for You even if I may be considered insignificant according to the world’s opinion. May all those around me realize, my efforts are successful because of You, my God. I echo Nehemiah in giving You all the glory. Amen.